At Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C., we represent people in trouble.  Victims of harassment, discrimination or retaliation, as well as those who are being fired, sued, investigated, arrested, tried or convicted.  The accuser, the accused.  That’s because we believe that all persons in crisis deserve, without prejudgment, competent representation — from the day laborer subjected to discrimination to the ambassador navigating immunity issues; from the MS-13 member accused of murder to the corporate executive accused of fraud; from the college student alleged to have plagiarized to the tenured professor alleged to have sexually harassed.  We advocate with principled resilience toward a fixed client goal, secure in the time-tested idea that broad-based, multi-faceted experience on all sides of conflict makes for the most effective, informed, confident and seasoned advocacy. Both firm partners have been recognized for over a decade as Washington’s Top Lawyers in the area of employment law by Washingtonian Magazine.

Our Partners

Paul Y. Kiyonaga

Debra Soltis

Employment/Civil Rights

Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C. represents victims of harassment, discrimination and retaliation and other forms of mistreatment in the workplace – both private and federal sector employees, as well as employees or students denied reasonable accommodations for disabling conditions…

Civil Litigation Matters

Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C. has handled litigation matters ranging from breach of contract to defamation to tort actions, using efficient and effective strategies to battle major firms or government counsel. Representative matters and results include: A recently filed lawsuit on behalf of a Rwandan woman…

Wrongful Death/Personal Injury Matters

As an outgrowth of its extensive work on behalf of students and employees, K & S specializes in personal injury and wrongful death actions arising out of school and employment settings…

Criminal Matters

Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C. has handled everything from simple assaults to murders for clients ranging from MS-13 members to business executives, effectively using in-depth investigative techniques, aggressive and creative litigation strategies and innovative expert witness testimony…

OIG Investigations

Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C. represents federal employees who are being investigated for misconduct, whether by their agencies or an Office of Inspector General. Representative cases and results include: Four journalists from Voice of America who were terminated for alleged insubordination…

Title IX & Student Rights Matters

K & S routinely represents students, as well as faculty members, involving Title IX and student rights matters – whether as accusers, the accused or witnesses…

Sexual Harassment Defense

Recently, Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C., using its experience in criminal matters, has developed innovative strategies for defending employees accused of sexual harassment in the workplace. Representative matters and results include: A senior defense industry executive investigated…

International Matters

Kiyonaga & Soltis, P.C. has represented clients in cross-national matters involving criminal allegations or civil claims. Paul Kiyonaga has lived in Brazil, Panama, Japan and Spain and draws upon his network of attorney colleagues, knowledge of international institutions and proficiency in…

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